Regarding the sales transaction announced in our material event disclosure dated 07.03.2023, an agreement was reached with VK Holding A.Ş. and Maslak Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. ("Buyers") for the sale of our Incorporation's 30% ownership with 900,000 shares in our subsidiary Vergi İade Aracılık A.Ş. ("VIA"), which has TL 3,000,000 Turkish Lira paid-in capital. To that end, share transfer agreement had been signed with the Buyers and closing procedures for the share transfer have been completed on 18.05.2023.
The decision of the Incorporation's Board of Directors regarding the transaction was taken unanimously by all members of the Board of Directors, including independent members.
In case of any discrepancy in the English translation of this disclosure, the Turkish version will be accepted as the basis.